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Interview With D. V. Stone

Writer's picture: bibbetybobibbetybo

Who doesn’t love a birthday party? Multi-genre author D. V. Stone joins us today to celebrate her baby’s birthday—her book baby, that is! Her inspirational romance novel Rock House Grill was released a year ago. Readers have described it as “an incredibly uplifting story”; “a delightful, savory, hopeful, fun, romantic, and warmhearted read”; and “a fast-paced, exciting read with a satisfying ending”—among other things. Read on to find out more about this talented author and her books.

Welcome, D. V.! Tell us a little bit about Rock House Grill.

Rock House Grill is a labor of love that combines my experience as a former EMT and Restaurant owner. It began as a NaNoWriMo project and was picked up by The Wild Rose Press a few years later.

Who is Aden House? What makes him tick?

Aden is a chef, business owner, and television host of a cooking show. He tries to be everything to everyone and ends up miserable and exhausted. After falling asleep behind the wheel of his car, he is severely injured. During his recovery he needs to address many physical issues and damaged relationships.

Rock House Grill is “Impact Book 1.” When can we expect book 2—and can you give us a one-line synopsis of the plot?

Jazz House is in the submission process.

Jazz House, a modern throwback to jazz music’s heyday, brings together a dedicated police officer and a woman living a lie.

Congratulations on the recent publication of The Mystery at High Pointe Tower! What can you tell us about that book?

When my nephew was about 7 years old he requested a story about him where he rode a motorcycle and had a long mustache. The Mystery at Branch Lake was the first in the series. Many of my readers clamored for a second. High Pointe Tower released in January and has a lot of local-to-me flavor.

You write across multiple genres. Do you have a favorite genre, and what sorts of stories can we expect to see from you in the future?

I adore writing in different genres. That’s how I read. But I’m dying to get back to my fantasy books. It’s where I started. I retire in May and hope to follow through with those. My first baby is wailing for attention and has been sitting in my computer for a while.

What comes first, character or plot?

Definitely a character. I see or hear something, and it sparks something in me. It could be a picture or a song lyric.

What is your favorite part, and least favorite part, of the publishing journey?

Hours spent on marketing and social media. I want to write, but these things are important too.

What advice would you give an aspiring writer?

Perseverance is crucial. You have to push through. It may be tough but the reward is amazing.

What are you reading right now?

I’m actually listening. I’m hearing impaired so never really took to audio books. But now I’m spending my lunch break in my car with Charlotte O’Shay’s Deerbourne Inn story, Forever in a Moment.

What’s your favorite book of all time?

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I’m a camper—well, actually a Glamper. My husband and I love history and traveling. So now we take our own house with us.

It’s karaoke night, and your friends just dragged you to the mic. What will you sing?

Right now, Alabama’s “I’m in a Hurry.”

What was your favorite thing to do when you were a kid?

Horseback riding. Sometimes I’d just walk out into the field, pick a horse, jump up, and hang out.

If people came with warning labels, what would yours say?

Not responsible if you speak before my coffee.

What’s your favorite guilty-pleasure TV show?

Say Yes to the Dress. I love Randy.

Would you rather…

Lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

Take the speech. I’d be lost without reading.

Be able to teleport or read minds?

Teleport. I don’t want to know what people are really thinking.

Never have to clean a bathroom again or never have to do dishes again?

Ugh, no toilets please.

Be able to see only in black and white or never eat dessert again?

Take the dessert, I’m a savory girl.

Lose a limb or be without a cell phone for the rest of your life?

Taking my cell would be like losing a limb.


Happy Birthday to Rock House Grill.

I can’t believe it’s been a year already since publication. The road to get there was filled with potholes and detours. Rock House Grill started out as a NaNoWriMo challenge in November of 2015. The challenge is 50,000 words in 30 days. I was able to complete the first draft and received my certificate. Then, like many manuscripts, it was set aside while I finished other projects. I had a couple of independents in the hopper and focused on those.

Fast forward to 2019. I pulled up some old files, and there sat Rock House waving at me. “Hey, remember me?” I did, and with fresh eyes, began to revisit. I’d always dreamed of becoming a traditionally published author. To be able to say, my publishing house—my editor. I began to send out query letters. Let’s just say most places don’t even send a response, much less express an interest.

I sent several letters out in May. Word of warning. Be careful to look things over before you hit send. In horror, I realized the salutation in the email to The Wild Rose Press had another’s name on it. Panic ensued, and a new email went out. “Wild Rose Press. I know you’re The Wild Rose Press!”

Well, I blew that one. Wait. Not necessarily. A few days before my birthday, there was a ding in my inbox. Please send… OMG! Then came the next. Please send the full manuscript. After a couple of starts, stops, and a change in editors, this came on Jul 13, 2017.

Dear Donna,

My name is ELF and I am the editor who has been assigned to evaluate your story, “The Rock House Grill,” for The Wild Rose Press.

Poor ELF didn’t know what she was getting into. At one point, she had to use tough love and warn me I had one more chance.


Rock House Grill

One man’s choices—One woman’s impact

Winner NNLights Book Heaven 1st place Sweet Romance

Author Shout Out Recommended Read 2020

Aden House, successful but driven chef and TV personality, refuses to slow down. His life implodes one night, damaging him both physically and emotionally. He’s rescued by a woman he thinks of as his angel.

Shay McDowell has rebuilt her life after her divorce. She juggles volunteer EMT duties and her job, while dreaming of becoming a chef. She finds her way to Rock House Grill and back into the life of the man she helped save.

Can love be the ingredient needed to survive the many obstacles they face?


This engrossing story had it all, mystery, suspense, and romance. The twists and turns made it impossible to put down. I enjoyed the supporting characters as well. I will be looking for more from this talented storyteller.

This book is a delightful, savory, hopeful, fun, romantic, and warmhearted read!!

I really enjoyed this romantic suspense. The author portrayed a vivid description of the glamorous world of the high-end restaurant business. The characters were believable, and I rooted for Shay, the heroine, to overcome the many obstacles in her quest to find true love with Aden, the physically and emotionally damaged hero.


“Easy, you’re going to be okay.” A soft voice eased through the chaos around him. The owner of the voice grabbed his arms and held them in a firm but gentle grip. “I’m right here with you. You are not alone.” “Can hardly m-move.” His voice slurred. “C-can’t see anything.” “You’ve been in an accident. I’m an EMT with the ambulance squad,” the velvety voice calmly explained. “You can’t see well because we’re under a tarp. Hold still, okay?” “‘K.” A small light flickered at the edge of his vision. It shone into a bag next to him. Penlight. “You’re restrained to a board. It’s to keep your head from moving and causing more injury.” She continued to talk to him. The voice reached down somewhere inside him, calming and peaceful, so he focused on it. A glow from spotlights on the outside lit whatever covered them. The shadow gave the woman the appearance of a halo—like an angel.


About the Author

Hi, my name is D. V. Stone. I am a multi-genre author of two independently published books. Felice, Shield-Mates of Dar is a fantasy romance. Agent Sam Carter and the Mystery at Branch Lake is a mid-grade paranormal. Recently, Rock House Grill was released by Wild Rose Press. Rainbow Sprinkles, a novella released on July 8th. I also host Welcome to the Campfire and A Peek Through the Window, both weekly blogs. Here’s a little more about me.

Born in Brooklyn, D.V. Stone has moved around a bit and even lived for a time on a dairy farm in Minnesota before moving back east. Throughout her wandering, she always considered herself a Jersey Girl. She met and married the love of her life, Pete—a lifelong Jersey Man, and moved this time to Sussex County. They live with Hali, a mixed breed from the local shelter, and their cat Baby.

D.V.’s career path varied from working with the disabled to become a volunteer EMT, which in turn led to working in hospital emergency rooms and then in a women’s state prison. After a few years, she took a break from medicine and became the owner of Heavenly Brew, a specialty coffee shop in Sparta, NJ, and a small restaurant in Lafayette. Life handed some setbacks. She ended up back in the medical field, but this time in a veterinary emergency hospital.

“Thank you for taking the time to read about me. Each time you open the pages to one of my books, I hope you’ll be swept away by the story and find encouragement in your own life, never to give up on hope.”


Buy Links

Find out more about D. V.

Other Books by D. V. Stone

Rainbow Sprinkles

After the storm come the rainbows.

Felice, Shield-Mates of Dar

One foolish thought. One brutal act. Instead of a peaceful alliance––war.

Agent Sam Carter and the Mystery at Branch Lake

A Mid-grade paranormal

Contributing Author

Australia Burns

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D.V. Stone
D.V. Stone

Hi, Barbara! Thank you so much. D.🌻



Terrific interview, ladies. Very enjoyable post, too, Donna. Happy Book Birthday!


Thanks so much for coming by and taking the time to comment, Barbara! I'm so glad you enjoyed Donna's interview.



You are most welcome, D. V.--it's been my pleasure to host you!



Thanks for stopping by, rijan21 and Margot--and Happy Birthday to D. V. Stone's baby!



Thank you, Kim, for sharing this wonderful interview with D.V. Stone! It's great to learn more about her and what makes her tick. This book sounds like a fabulous read!! Happy Birthday to Rock House Grill!

D.V. Stone
D.V. Stone

Thank you so much for stopping by. D. V.⚘

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